Thursday, August 19, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Make Money with system that's already 5X BIGGER than the internet

Adam Horwitz give a brief introduction to his Mobile Monopoly system in the video below. For more info, click here.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mobile Monopoly - Going Fast! $850K in just 2 days!

Wow another amazing day finishing up the day at 850k in sales in just 2 days!

Hey guys,

Just wanted to remind you of Mobile Monopoly package by our friend, Adam Horwitz.

Just so you know, you get these stuff when you get the package:

- 7 Case Studies Proven Mobile Campaigns which you can Copy and Use!
- 10 Modules - with a total of over 30 Videos
- 3 Bonuses that is having a value of $700 plus!
- Outsource BluePrint (included so you know which parts to outsource!)

So, get over there at:


And here are some facts about Mobile Marketing, the Next Wave:

- Google bought AdMob for $750 million positioning themselves as a MOBILE company
- Apple has iPhone and iPad, both are Mobile devices
- There are 5 Billion people carrying Mobile phones
- Mobile Pay Per Click is as low as 1-Cent per click (remember the good old days of Google Adwords?)
- Mobile and Cell Phones are closer to humans than Desktop or Laptop Computers

So, its about time, you learn this Blue Ocean marketing method while it still lasts and get it at:


Now go have fun and much success!

About SEO Made Simple

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We have learned much about many things through both education and experience. We thrive on helping others succeed and seeing a project, concept or a goal come to fruition. Can't help sharing evidence of discoveries with others! Share the knowledge, share the rewards, share the success stories! We believe in giving back to the community. This is one way we are doing that - sharing knowledge - and offering tangible solutions rather than so-called "secrets" to making you rich overnight in return for your hard-earned dollar. Do not fall for those scams. With us, you've got real information at your finger tips, tangible solutions and evidence-based results. It's all about doing the right thing. Have a great day!